How to Build a Million Dollar Website

Wanting to build a million-dollar website seems a bit ambitious for a newbie website builder, but this is where dreams begin.

Is it really possible to build a million-dollar website? That is the question that most ordinarily people ask, however the dreamers already believe that it can be done.

5 Steps to a million dollar website

Of course there are many more than 5 steps to building a million-dollar website, however these steps are some of the most important ones to consider.

1: Using WordPress for your Website

This may not sound like an important step for some of you but understanding the benefits of WordPress is extremely important because as a beginner, you’re likely going to deal with a lot of difficulties.

Since there are some genuine alternatives for WordPress, you may start getting the feeling that WordPress is the wrong choice! Do not let this thought come into your head.

WordPress is by far the best content management system for any beginner with several thousands of themes, unlimited plug-ins and sizable number of developers.

Even better, there are many communities and developers that provide outstanding support for the newcomer and you will find it really easy taking it from there.

2. Get Reliable Hosting

You do not want to work your butt off and find that your free hosted website has been taken down or not working. The best way to avoid this is to buy your own reliable website hosting. If you plan to build a million-dollar website, it will not cost you that much to buy genuine website hosting, for a real business.

Hosting can cost as low as $4.95 a month and if you feel that this is too much to invest towards your million-dollar website, then you better rethink your goals.

  • 8 Best WordPress Hosting Options Compared
  • Managed WordPress Hosting 101: Is It Right for Your Business?

3. Choose a Niche You Love

If you choose a niche topic that you already have a passion about, will make your life very easy when trying to create content. Of course you need to find out if other people are interested in this topic as well, however if they are, this is your best bet.

This is exactly how million-dollar websites are created; there is almost always a passion behind it.

4. Provide the Best Content

As I said previously, if you have a passion for your topic, this will make creating content easy for you. But we cannot have just any old content on your website, as it needs to be the best.

When I say it needs to be the best content, I guess you are wondering how to judge what actually is the best? A good way to see what is required is to research your competition, (ie the websites ranking high in Google for your topic) and then outdo them. Go above and beyond the call of duty to create the best information.

5. Be Honest and Cool

Honesty shows through in everything you do, even in your website content. This is important as people need to trust you and believe the information that you are providing on your website.

Being Cool means that you are not a pushy salesperson and you are very cool about the way you make money.

  • Don’t spam people through e-mails to get a sale.
  • Don’t plaster your website with too much advertising.
  • Definitely never do anything that does not feel right.

If you are serious about building a million dollar website then you have your work cut out for you, there is no hiding that fact. But in the end the rewards will be literally millions.

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